Thursday, April 15, 2010


Second post-hole for the raspberry trellis has been dug, and I deepened the other. Both posts are sunk and holes filled back in. I cut the wood for the cross pieces. Now I just have to attach them and stretch the wire...oh, and plant the poor raspberry plants that have been sitting on the front porch for a few weeks.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Second vegetable plot is in. I might have planted everything a little too close together. I may need to do some transplanting as soon as I get some more ground ready for planting. I also need to get more space ready to plant some tomatillo seeds. I got two tomatillo plants, but I want to do some mega-production so I can make lots of salsa verde to can or freeze and eat all year.

I earned myself some blisters on my hands this weekend. I didn't finish either trellis project as I intended, but it was because I was happily sidetracked planting more vegetables.

I did get one post-hole dug. I am hoping if I get the other post-hole dug this week my sister will be willing to help me put it all together next weekend. It is a simple project and I think as long as no digging is involved she will be into it. It will be more fun to do this project with a partner.

Vegetable Garden!

I set the blog aside this winter...somewhat unintentionally...but my many outdoor projects have resumed within the past month and I am ready to report!

Outdoor Projects Completed:
apple tree planted and thriving
peach tree planted and killed
grape vines planted (one killed, but replaced) and thriving
old fire-pit dug out and patio built around it (thanks Dad and Jim!)
Small front-yard vegetable garden planted--tomatoes, basil, and hot peppers
Drip system programmed, soaker hoses for veggie plot added

Outdoor Projects in Progress
Laundry-water collection system (utilizing special soap, a hose and 55 gallon barrel)
--for now I am running around like a crazy person with buckets of water, trying to keep up with the washing machine's water output.
Grape trellis providing passive cooling to south facing windows
Raspberry trellis
Second vegetable plot--adding tomatillos, more tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, another type of pepper, and more herbs.