Thursday, April 15, 2010


Second post-hole for the raspberry trellis has been dug, and I deepened the other. Both posts are sunk and holes filled back in. I cut the wood for the cross pieces. Now I just have to attach them and stretch the wire...oh, and plant the poor raspberry plants that have been sitting on the front porch for a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. When do we get to see pictures? :) Sounds great, Carolyn! My veggie garden was put in a couple of days ago. We had dirt delivered, because all we have to work with here is hard clay and rocks. If I wanted a rock garden, I'd be all set. This year, in my garden, I have okra, corn, tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, green beans, rhubarb, carrots, and beets. I plan to get some zucchini and canteloupe with my next trip to the seed store.
