Sunday, November 8, 2009

A more balanced life(!) and a blog to go with it

As I have settled into my 3rd year of teaching I am finding that I have a little bit of free time (gasp!). I am finding time here and there to work on projects around my house and in my yard. As I look to start new projects I spend a lot of time reading other people's blogs. Blogs about remodeling mid-century homes, raising backyard chickens,gardening, sewing and more. Well, I decided it is time for me to blog a little myself, about something other than my classroom.

The title? Well, that is simple. I am an Oregonian at heart, but I live in Phoenix. Somehow when I decided to buy a house, I ended up on Oregon Avenue...and believe it or not, my home here in the desert has tall trees growing all around it.

To start off with a glimpse into my life, my weekend activities have included:

Walking down to the neighborhood pizza joint for dinner with friends on Friday night. Living in Phoenix, they didn't really believe me at first when I said we walked. Yes, on occasion it is possible!

Planting a container "salad" garden in leftover plastic pots from my landscaping projects

Finally unpacking and organizing all the stuff in my bathroom. Contemplated remodeling my bathroom, but will probably invest the money in my yard rather than my bathroom for the time being. How much time do I spend in there, anyway?

Attending a sustainable garden tour at a house in a downtown historic district

Attending a hot yoga"flow" class at the yoga studio down the street. One word: sweat.

Going a little crazy researching and scheming about raising a couple chickens in my backyard.

Picking up a compost bin from the dump. The City of Phoenix makes them out of old trash cans and sells them for $5. Of course, I made it over there and it didn't fit in my Camry. Oops. Luckily the helpful man who worked there found a piece of rope and latched it on to the back of my car. I drove slowly and carefully home. I am excited to start composting.

Doing my laundry, which includes hanging it dry in my backyard.

Sitting on my front porch and drinking coffee Sunday morning.

Sitting in my backyard in the sun and wondering at the fact that it is November and 86 degrees out.

Now, Sunday afternoon I am contemplating actually doing my dishes, finishing a sewing project, or taking a nap. It is only 4...maybe I'll do all of those.


  1. Aww, I love the new blog! Sounds like a glorious weekend :) I am just kicking it around the rez for the next two weekends if you get the urge to visit, you're always welcome!

  2. Sheesh! This is my 2nd try at posting this info!
    Good Blog, Carolyn!

    We have 5 White Leghorns and 1 White Leghorn-Arucauna cross (that lays green-shelled eggs).

    They are doing between 3 and 6 eggs/day. Very easy to take care of, just provide feed and water, they do the rest. They also like some ground to dig up worms on. They're omnivores. They'll eat anything, even old smoked fish.

  3. "sitting on the front porch and drinking coffee Sunday moring" I love it! One of my favorite things to do, but unfortunately here it is now too chilly (and dark).

  4. I love your new blog, Carolyn! The yoga sounds wonderful. The chickens ... good luck with them! We are planning on getting some soon, as well. Enjoy the warm weather, too! :)
