Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You, Veterans

Today, we pause to honor those that have served our country in the military. When I think of how to honor veterans, I come to the conclusion that the best way to honor them is to live fully, joyfully and with appreciation for my life and privileges. I take Veterans' Day as a sort of day of thanksgiving. Today, I appreciated life and I appreciated my freedom and privileges. I woke up, greeted the day by making breakfast and sitting on my front to porch enjoy it. I took a walk with a friend, went to the farmer's market, painted my bathroom, made further plans for my homestead here...maybe most importantly, took a long nap in the afternoon. While I did sleep through the yoga class I had planned on attending, today I fully appreciated my independence and freedom and how wide open the world is to me. I get to choose how I spend this moment, my day, and my life. I get to make up my mind what I value, what is important to me, and what person I want to be. Grasping hold of that choice, fully acknowledging and owning that choice, empowers me. We honor our Veterans when we recognize how their work allows us to have choices, and when we use that opportunity to consciously make choices that make our lives better.

Thank you, Veterans, for your work, your sacrifice, and how your willingness to serve allows me to have so much choice in my life. I am doing my best to use that opportunity fully!

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